Images From Previous Shows

Inside outside
October 2020
During the pandemic year, we moved from our normal patterns of navigating the world to a more controlled view from inside and also outside. We shifted our physical beings, as well as the focus on our psychological well being- Things became smaller, we had windows into the world through our laptops, and for those of us lucky enough to have a world outside that felt safe in a garden or studio alone, it was a gift. The work you see reflected in this show is in direct correlation of those responses. You will see landscapes and gardens, but you will also see a dedicated sketchbook practice evolve into a body of work. From the most apt metaphor of wood turning- inside to outside, to the cultural impact of how the pandemic response affected those from different communities. I reached out to educators and artists from diverse locations, and their work reflects a wealth of strong and beautiful pieces.
From Portland to Minnesota, and Philly, as well as local artists we were all in this together, to reflect on the impact this year has made on us as artists. With a recent visit to the WSU Art Museum, I was reminded that the Hudson River Valley school of painters - sought out beauty in the everyday- Artists find a way to speak a language altogether different at times - and yet the subject can be one that brings us closer together. Whether you were inside or outside, the reflections of this time have an important record in our history.

PURE. A Place for Poems
